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"Призрачный Путник" - ход перевода
Отправлено 24 Июнь 2011 - 22:56
We're marooned in Baator,
You've lost the Gate Key,
A dozen pit fiends are headed this way
The paladin is down and might be dead,
And your power key is a fake -
So what?
- Hortaz of the Bleak Cabal
Отправлено 26 Июнь 2011 - 20:37
We're marooned in Baator,
You've lost the Gate Key,
A dozen pit fiends are headed this way
The paladin is down and might be dead,
And your power key is a fake -
So what?
- Hortaz of the Bleak Cabal
Отправлено 02 Июль 2011 - 08:35
We're marooned in Baator,
You've lost the Gate Key,
A dozen pit fiends are headed this way
The paladin is down and might be dead,
And your power key is a fake -
So what?
- Hortaz of the Bleak Cabal
Отправлено 27 Июль 2011 - 09:54
We're marooned in Baator,
You've lost the Gate Key,
A dozen pit fiends are headed this way
The paladin is down and might be dead,
And your power key is a fake -
So what?
- Hortaz of the Bleak Cabal
Отправлено 13 Август 2011 - 19:09
We're marooned in Baator,
You've lost the Gate Key,
A dozen pit fiends are headed this way
The paladin is down and might be dead,
And your power key is a fake -
So what?
- Hortaz of the Bleak Cabal
Отправлено 15 Август 2011 - 18:26
Отправлено 22 Август 2011 - 20:18
Я долго думал над этим, но в итоге все же решил раздачу глав закрыть. Оставшиеся главы - они небольшие и их не так много - я переведу сам. Поверьте, на качестве и скорости это скажется только лучшим образом. По крайней мере, если я хочу закончить перевод осенью.
Спасибо всем поучаствовавшим.
We're marooned in Baator,
You've lost the Gate Key,
A dozen pit fiends are headed this way
The paladin is down and might be dead,
And your power key is a fake -
So what?
- Hortaz of the Bleak Cabal
Отправлено 01 Сентябрь 2011 - 21:24
We're marooned in Baator,
You've lost the Gate Key,
A dozen pit fiends are headed this way
The paladin is down and might be dead,
And your power key is a fake -
So what?
- Hortaz of the Bleak Cabal
Отправлено 23 Октябрь 2011 - 08:03
Простите, крик души...
We're marooned in Baator,
You've lost the Gate Key,
A dozen pit fiends are headed this way
The paladin is down and might be dead,
And your power key is a fake -
So what?
- Hortaz of the Bleak Cabal
Отправлено 11 Ноябрь 2011 - 22:41
We're marooned in Baator,
You've lost the Gate Key,
A dozen pit fiends are headed this way
The paladin is down and might be dead,
And your power key is a fake -
So what?
- Hortaz of the Bleak Cabal
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